Saturday, 13 August 2016

Lac du Montriond.

Spent Wednesday evening parked next to a field of cows. No issues with that, except their bells kept Betty awake half the night. Growling. That, in turn, kept me away half the night.

Noisy cow.

Betty made up for it by conking out at 8am and sleeping for the rest of the morning. 

Noisy cow.

Still heading south, we were on the way to Morzine to meet Douglas and the Lady R, she of last year's holiday fame.

We swung by Geneva.

Betty eyed the tour bus. She was not impressed.

We arranged to meet at Lake Montriond. 
A glacial lake in the mountains. 
It is breath-takingly beautiful. 
And also breath-takingly cold. 
But beautiful.
But cold.

Douglas and the Lady R had ('always a story') purchased some lilos, so we tried them out.
Betty wanted to join.

D and the L.R had invited some friends along. Cath took a silhouette photo. 

We had a bbq. It was just perfect next to the lake. Douglas was in charge of the food. The fish needed a wash. 
Obviously in hunter-gatherer mode Douglas did this bare chested. 'Ug'.

The dressed, drank rose and impressed us all with his dog-riding skills. 

We took a little walk and collected wood for a fire. We ate more, drank more, played games, went to bed.

The morning after: 
Another walk and a few more photos. 

Then we went to Les Lindarets, 'the goat village'. Where they make cheese and goats roam free. It was a lovely, lovely couple of days. Felt busy but just relaxed. Swam, chilled, liloed.

Met Rita.
And Alex. 
Repetatively marvelled at the view. 

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