Friday, 29 July 2016

Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis.

I was thinking of how to do the blog this year. After all, last year was a continental meander so I thought this year should be a bit different. Maybe I should include something of Brexit or how to travel on a rubbish exchange rate. This year (different to last) I lack the Lady Rebecca, her campervan wisdom and conversation. In exchange, I have a book (, a pop up washing-up bowl (thanks Emma) and a range of soft lighting options.

Day 1: Wed 27th July, I crossed. After a few lovely days in Broadstairs with the Rampalls. I'd planned to head for a windmilled parking option on the French/Belgium border called Hondschoote but I was tired after a 3am arrival so I travelled less and stopped in Bergues - avoiding Calais like the plague.

I went for a wander round town in the morning and had a brilliant surprise. The town is the setting of a French film which came out about eight years ago which I love, being a sad muppet I even have the dvd with me. Hoorah and Huzzar.

The film is a comedy about a French postman who lies about being disabled because his nagging, depressive wife wants him to get a job in Nice. He gets caught out and (as a punishment) gets sent to work in the far north of France, where the food is fried, the accent is very strong (think deepest Glasweigian) and his family are far away.

Its just a great film and I was really excited to see the sights/ sites. I must have recalled the name of the town at the back of my mind but didnt realise I had arrived. In line with the film, the people of the town are indeed very friendly, as were the cows (Flamande cow, an ancient race).

A large, stuffed dummy.
Not sure what he signifies, but I am about as tall as his umberella. 

The bell tower.  
There are about 20+ small bells in the tower which make a very pretty sound when rung together. In the film one of the characters is a campanologist and in real life the bells seem to sound at lunchtime.  
I never thought I'd be espousing campanology. Camper vans, yes, but not campanology. 

Daily tally:
Money spent today: €1
People who asked about Brexit: 2
OAPs I conversed with: 3

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