Wednesday 11 May 2011

Starting out and getting to know my bicycle.

Day one, Monday 9th May 2011: Starting Out.
Friend Becky came with me. Riding 'The Beast' I had some hill mounting envy as she managed to electrically whizz her way up 'em. But I'm jumping ahead...

...Sunday started at Godstone, a little warm up session via the church to re-plant a grave, as you do. Sunday pm was spent admiring and fiddling with bicycle. After having done quite a bit of research I discovered a few reviews which said that pit locks - German designed smart things to stop people nicking your wheels - were the way forward. Not being especially keen to attempt a display by unicycle I got some. Becky and I fitted them. Remember this bit, it will be important later.

Monday came and went. 25.16 miles, one park, 500 deer, one small hill, some chocolate (me), two fags (Becky), 16 goslings, 3 miserable miles through Wandworth, one minor hangover, one U13 boys cricket team and Hampton Court later and we were feeling very pleased with ourselves.

We arrived at a pub. Ok, ok, we chose a pub from the many on offer. As Becky dismounted The Beast and nipped to the loo I stopped to shackle my bicycle. Quel horror! The fancy new pit lock 'Don't tighten beyond 1.5 torque' (?) on the back wheel was hanging out about 5 inches. One more step, ok rotation, and it would have gone merrily rolling into the river with me chin scraping the floor behind.

Reading this you may be thinking 'What? Her front spoke thing was sticking out, that's it? What's the drama?' If this is the case, please bear in mind that a bike has only a certain number of moving parts: Wheels (2) gear sets (1) brakes (2). That's five things. (Unless there's something else on a bike that needs to move...pedals? Are they part of the gears? See how I'm clueless...) Anyway, if we save five for now and one goes wrong that's 20% failure! It's a big deal!!

Becky was good enough to donate a much appreciated dollop of shock-sharing and we had some Pimms and a bottle of wine by way of self-congratulatory (see how far we've come without even falling in the canal, getting head butted by a deer or losing a wheel) congratulations.

Anyway, we pushed back to the camper van, well positioned by the marina by The Divine Douglas, who had provided more wine (my body is a temple) and sea bass which he'd caught earlier in the day at the fish counter in Morrisons. Some wine and a Fish Quiz later (On page 9 of the Morrison's fish booklet how do they describe mackerel: A. Flavoursome B. Flavourful C. Well-flavoured?)

Then it was time for bed. A busy day, a busy evening and a lovely long lie down.

Sore bits: right knee, bum, wrists.

Tuesday 10th May 2011: Getting to know you.

Replaced the pit lock with the original first thing, removed and checked the front pit lock, re-read scant instructions, re-fitted it. Crossed fingers. Set off.

Today Becky, The Beast and Divine Douglas started off with me. After a mobile caff breakfast and a trip to the loo (so important) we set off. Two miles down the road my front wheel started to judder. OH NO! I glanced down, the little nut I'd stuck on to keep the thing in place was gone, the now renamed 'bloody stupid pit lock' looking decidedly unsecure. Divine D kindly offered to head back and look for it. Knowing his luck he'd find it. Unfortunately, he didn't. Small panic followed by some intermittant tightening and a trip to the Snow and Rock shop in Chertsey worked wonders.

I was really scared that I'd be stuck with a one wheeled bicycle which I couldn't ride. When I got to Snow and Rock 17 yr old Max, the shop assistant, gave me - for free - a copy of the lost bit which meant I could re fit the spoke thingy and get off on my way. Horrah for Max, Horrah! He even managed to look only a tiny bit scared when I said - whilst hurling my profound gratitude at him - 'I could kiss you.'

Today I saw:
- Man swimming in the Thames, towing a buoy to stop himself being run over; nutter.
- Windsor Great Park, it's beautiful and -amazingly- in London! If you ever want to walk or cycle through/in London follow National Cycle route 4 (see Sustrans maps) from Richmond Park to Windsor. I saw deer and beautiful views.
- Staines, where I had lunch.
- A woman who was lost. She was also cycling and came up to me saying, 'I'm looking for Staines.' Seriously humourous.
- Wildlife in a bun dance.
- A road in Windsor where all the houses were named in accordance with the rules of passive-boasting: Tranquility Keep, Winter Palace, Serenity Cote and Still Meadow. Was tempted to make motorbike noises as I revved through but there was no-one to see or hear so had to content myself with whooping joyfully as a went full pelt down the hills with legs stuck out either side and a silly grin on my face.

(Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial.)

Today I cycled with my two full panniers and a lot of joy. Starting to get to know bike a bit so I can do what Divine D says and 'slow down, take it easy!'

Miles covered: 28.51
Max speed: 22.5
Bags of crisps eaten: 1
Gratitude felt towards D and B, people who are supporting me and Max: immeasurable.

Day 3 about to begin :-)

1 comment:

  1. He he he !! You're a star !! I'm fan !!! You are so great darling !! And we are so similar, please come over here with your bike, I follow you !!
    Never believed you'd do that :-)
