The station was a squat building, serving one track. NN1 was not impressed. 'I am not impressed.' were his exact words.
The train system is quite different. For starters, people seem to use the trains for long journeys and the bus for short (well, less than 6 hours). The train seats are wide and very comfy, they recline. You can't reserve a seat on the train, you just get on and hope to sit together. They tell you where to line up in the platform and only open one door. Apart from in NY when everyone was getting off. The sandwiches, though, are the same.
We arrived back in New York to the same stifling humidity which we'd left. We walked ten mins to the metro and stopped in Bryant Park for a breather. Its a really cool sort of park that serves as a community centre. Free yoga and tai chi, free table tennis and boules courts, free music concerts and summer evening films. Well worth a visit.
We made our way to our final accommodation in Brooklyn. Of the five boroughs of NYC we have visited four: The Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Manhattan. We haven't visited Queens. Brooklyn seems the coolest, the biggest hotch potch of people and the most relaxed. We decided to go for food and had a wander.
We were both entranced by a leaky fire hydrant.
Our accommodation is great. We're sharing someone's flat. She's really friendly, very sweet. 'Go up on the roof' she said, 'There's a great view of Manhatten'. We did.
The view of Manhatten was really great.
NN1 went exploring.
'Where's Manhattan?' He asked me.It's behind you, love.
We've seen more cops (so many overweight, seriously, there's no way they could run) and more kids playing sport than anywhere else. Brooklyn has a great vibe.
Headed back into NYC to do some final shopping. During our wandering we found a lovely place where people were taking photos.We didn't know where we were but thought we should join in. Everyone was taking selfies of the same thing (that building behind us)
Turns out its called the Flatiron building, because its shaped like an iron. We're not sure why it's famous. Please tell us if you know.
We did a load of shopping and then wandered back. On the way NN1 became really animated (this is unusual, this kid's so laid back he's virtually horizontal). He'd spotted a spot where Liverpool player, Mo Salah, had recently had his photo taken with a mural of himself.
Here is Mo.
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