Tuesday, 24 July 2018

I'm gonna be a part of it!

'Morning Carole.'
Monday morning: to my surprise NN1 was up and bouncing round at 7am. Showered, dressed and ready by 8am, I put him in charge of Googling stuff whilst I got ready. Today we thought we'd just have a wander. It was raining, but having spent two months in full on UK sunshine (quelle suprise) we really didn't mind. We walked to the ferry and crossed.

We had a rough p!an:
1. Buy metro ticket. 7 days = $32
2. Natural History Museum
3. Tom's Diner
4. Walk around a bit.

Plan as it happened:
1. Bought metro ticket. That bit went to plan...the rest then went off piste.
2. NN1 buys bottle of Mountain Dew, haggles with vendor in expensive touristy area. Yorkshire would have been proud, 'I'm not paying £3 dollars for that, I'll give you two.' Tastes Mountain Dew. That Dew had never been near a mountain. Sets his teeth on edge. Discovers 75grammes of sugar in drink of choice. Chucks in bin.
3. Walk through Central Park. Laugh at the top hated fellas on their mobile phones.

And wonder at the park bench labels. I thought park benches were always for commemoration: RIP Auntie Elsie.. For example. 

4. Get to the Natural History Museum. 'Pretend to be French,' he says, 'When you buy the ticket.' So I do. He laughs and walks away. Thanks, NN1.

I'd be lion if I said it wasn't great. 
We visit the truly amazing dinosaur exhibition.

It's behind you... 
They really have exhibited well here. Say what you like about New Yorkers, but they know what to do with a skeleton. Also, they have a phenomenal range. Things I've never seen before (in my wide ranging paleontological experience - ahem).

This dinosaur was a plant feeder and used to wander along the river bank scooping up its food in its enormous shovel-like lower jaw.
 Just look at that jaw! The shovel bit alone is about 30 x30 cms.

We found the geological bit, where they explained about how the world changed as bits moved around. NN1 went all geography on me and started talking tectonic plates.
Demonstrating magma hands. 
I just liked the sloth bear.
 And the smallest horse's skeleton.
And the fossiled fish that ate another fish but choked on its dinner and died and became fossilised with its victim and cause of death still rammed in it's gullet.
Dinner for one. 

We met a triceratops.
Touched a dinosaur egg!
And saw a rearing diplodocus 🦕 (I think). It was great.
NN1 found some 'bunions' in the museum shop. 

Then we went to Tom's Diner. Now, we both have something in common. That is, we love to eat. Yay. We got a recommendation for the place from our landlord so headed there, via Columbia University (which, I discovered is not near Columbia, folks). Once we arrived I found that this is purported to be THE Tom's Diner of Suzanne Vega song fame. 'Who's that?' asks NN1, 'some singer from the dark ages?'. Sigh.

We ate.
He had the double cheeseburger. This consisted of TWO burgers in TWO buns with TWO lots of dressing. In the UK we make a double by shoving two burgers in one bun. Sort your own dressing out.
I had the pork chops and applesauce. I actually couldn't find the applesauce but I did get a bowl of soup, a salad, a bowl of spinach, some mashed potatoes AND some curiously orange gravy. We loved it. Ate and rolled on our way.

This is where the plan really went downhill. Ended the day in Macy's, JC Penney's and H & M shopping. NN1 is keen to buy new clothes so we did.

Went to the toilet in J. C's and, whilst waiting for NN1 to come out, two army guys in full desert combat gear, with bullet proof vests and hand guns approached. One headed into the loo. The other stopped outside and waited. The important thing to note is that this toilet is right within the very large and very well stocked ladies underwear section of the store. I was reminded of that Father Ted episode where all the priests get stuck in the underwear department. I couldn't help myself. A big grin spread across my face.
'Having a nice day ma' am? ' asked the unsuitable attired gentleman.
'Well yes, thank you.' I reply, 'and I hope you don't mind me saying, but I think you could do better with your camouflage outfit.' (indicated underwear racks).
Sometimes I really do wonder what I am thinking when I open my mouth, luckily he saw the funny side... we had a nice chat. NN1 comes out of the 'restroom' 'Honestly,' he says, 'I can't leave you alone anywhere, without you talking someone to death.' We both laugh, I tell him about the camouflage comment and Father Ted, he rolls his eyes.

Finally, after a few too-tired mistakes on the metro (I don't know how, it almost only goes up and down) we took the ferry home.

'Night Carole.'

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