Sunday, 29 July 2018

Awesome Huntsville.

We came here en route to Algonquin because they were having a festival this weekend. Huntsville is a really pretty town, sitting on a lake a couple of hours north of Toronto. The festival was really well organised, the locals were friendly and very helpful (including our host). All the activities were all free.

Programme and info. 

Official photos. We saw the 'Pay Attention' guy, but we didn't understand..

There were women performing on high ropes, accompanied beautifully by a string quartet called Ghost. They asked people to write their fears on a piece of card, they then randomly chose one and performed it. The one that got us laughing uncontrollably was 'pooping my pants'. An adult wrote that: pooping.
Then the Ontario flying hover board team did a performance, arriving like dolphins they did all sorts of water powered acrobatics, reaching 10m+ in height.i was too busy watching to take a photo, but there they are

Watch the crazy hover flying loons here..

Then we watched an amazing German fire whip cracker called Seb Whipits.
Cracking celery out of someone's mouth.
Unicycle fire whips. 
Bear dancing.
Canadian poetry.
NN1 plays the 'bunions'

After that we watched a medley of songs from the musicals, which turned out to be highly suggestive and probably pretty inappropriate for a 16 year old, well that was my first thought. My second and third thoughts were that they always have shows like that in France which young children watch and they have a healthy attitude to sex as a nation and there's much worse on the Internet. We watched the whole thing. Had a laugh and went home to our purple room.

The beauty of being an adult with a credit card is that if you don't like somewhere, you can move. We booked a motel for Sunday night, I couldn't cope with the smell, the purple and the lack of curtain on one small window, he couldn't sleep well in his bug suit. We moved.

Barely purple room.
Tea and chocolate on the decking.
Sat on the stoop.

NN1 learns how to handwash. Starting with socks. It's all part of the rock n roll lifestyle..

We're off canoeing tmw for a few days. So we'll be offline, in the wilderness, with the loons and the moose.

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