Friday, 5 August 2016

De Lux

So, after Wassenaar we headed south. Paused in Maastricht to have some lunch and to meet up with friend Michael.

Then to Luxembourg. We spent the night in a funny little aire in the far south. Perched above the railway line on the outskirts of Dudelange, we got the last spot at 8pm. I've never been to Luxembourg before, so it was a first. Upon entering the world's only Duchy the first thing I saw was...Ikea. Hmm, not exactly a sight to gladden the eye (well, not my eye). Next stop, petrol and what a pleasure that was. Coming in at 0.896 centimes per litre I filled up for less than €45. And wow, Luxembourg is clean. I was only thinking, 'Its as clean as Switzerland' then found its called 'Little Switzerland'. Ahem.

More details there...such as there are less that 600,000 Luxembourgians (Luxbourgese? Luxois? Luxian?) and the Duchy was first recognised in the 1300s.

Betty and I had a small exploration:

Free library.
International steps.
Luxembourg is pretty can head to  France or 'other directions'..
And they take care of everything...the children's play area is eco friendly..
Even the bins are hidden behind hand woven screens. 
The church is cleaned outside.
The town hall is pristine.
There are sculptures everywhere.
And, again, the petrol is cheap. Yay!

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