Yesterday we rocked up to what I'm considering is the Dutch version of North East of Norwich: flat, watery, remote. Getting here was a trek involving studious avoidance of low bridges and lots of stopping on single track roads to let others pass. Mostly cyclists. Its so flat you don't even need a handbrake (fear not, I use mine).
Strinjensas, the town, has a marina and plenty of walks. ... Ok ....I exaggerate, its actually more of a great marina (where we're staying, €7 a night, showers €1 of heated bliss) with a collection of houses attached. I found one shop:
Yes, the sailmakerij.
In this area you can see all the sights:
Field of Cabbages.
(Giving an indication why Van Gogh naffed off to France to paint fields of sunflowers..)
And seriously flat roads..flanked by fields of cabbages.
We walked in one of the nature reserves here, B sat and posed as requested.
There is actually an island, Tiengenmien (sp?) which they have turned into a nature reserve fairly recently. This was after having turfed the 8 farming families who lived there off and relocating them- though everyone seems to think it was a good idea.
The paths were helpfully labelled:
'Boot path'. Hilarious. Good advice, but it was dry when we got there so no laarzen required.
And later, on the sign front, I spotted this graphic gem.
The literal translation of which reads: 'Dogs from late plates', seeking meaning in a teacher-type way I noted the arrow and read it to mean 'Dogs shit there.'
I'm really enjoying the signs. So, off to collect my fresh brood and croissants from the marina (no local bakery) and I might even splash out and have another shower...
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