Friday, 14 August 2015

Nerha and Frigiliana.

We arrived at my friend's place on a Saturday afternoon, two hot, sweaty women without clean clothes. The joys we discovered were numerous, oh the shower, oh the washing machine, oh the pool, oh the freezer with its ice. We were in heaven!!

The first night (after washing ourselves, our clothes and all our belongings) we dressed and went to Nerha to do the tapas trail. It goes like this: wander, wander, stop, drink and eat. It was divine..the best were the pigs cheeks, rich, melt in the mouth meat with delicious gravy served with waxy potatoes, roasted asparagus wrapped in salty roasted ham and bread. Oooohhhhh, I can't tell you how good it was.

Nerha is lovely. Plenty of little shops and things to see along the twisted streets.

That's by the coast. Halfway up the mountain is Frigiliana, an even cuter village/town. Settled by the Moors a thousand or so years ago it was populated because the soil there was nutritious and stuff grew. (Later news has the Moors exiting in 1492 due to persecution, nice to see the world has moved on, eh?) The old town in Frigiliana is the best, discovered on a Tuesday afternoon in 2015 by Lady R of the van. I was dragged up the hill at a later date to share the wonders - and try the sangria.

Pretty Frigiliana
Nearly got decapitated, whilst drinking vino, by an aeroplane
Something to aspire to: being an old woman who can still sit on a bench with her mates and have a giggle
Put in a euro and hear the history. Great fun!
 Famous fountain.
Frigiliana by night.

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