Sunday, 25 August 2013

Panama City

So, as cities go El Ciudad de Panama is not a 'must visit'. It does not have the extensive beautiful architecture of Barcelona, Paris or Rome. It isn't as exciting as New York or as old as Moscow, but you can spend a few days here pottering round and having a nosey. Here are a few fun (cheap) things to do...

1. Unless you are veggie...go to the fish market, try ceviche or cocktail. They make it in all different types...from octopus to conchuela (that winkled-out-of-shell snail, see Kuna Yala post) to prawn. Ceviche is basically raw fish which is 'cooked' in lime juice and peppers. Its really good.

One I made earlier
C. Find China Town (near the fish market).

Pretty obvious.
In China Town they have loads of 'fiesta' shops. Thinking of having a party? You can get everything you'd ever need here. And then some. Want some glasses with Barack Obama's face attached? Got 'em! Need a man sized tiger costume? Sorted. Looking for a comedy hat stand. It's here...

'Casa Pritty, taking the P out of pretty'
Or find a jewellery store. They have everything here...

An Ex Ample
Check out their real pearls and ask for an explanation.

Eyes left, right and centre are fresh water cultured (farmed) pearls of different, colours. Shell for fresh water pearls front right. Eyes front; the ivory pearls are salt water pearls. Shell front left. You are looking at a good few thousand dollars worth of stuff.

Knit one...

4. Find a small church like place and take advantage of the air con for a while. Its damn humid here.

Chapel of Saint Maria Goretti, whose life was not fun. 
E. Visit the Parque Municipal and see the wildlife.

See the world's largest rodent. A Capybara.

Half a capybara.

Couldn't eat a whole one.
Admire the view.

Panama City.
I'd like to have been more entertaining in this blog but it's 3.42am and somewhere nearby someone is having a party where they are playing really bad rap/house music over which they are shouting words of encouragement. I'd like to suggest it's dubbing but I understand that usually has to compliment the music. Under normal circumstances I'd give up trying to sleep and would go and join them but am refusing on the grounds of their rubbishness...

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