Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Twitching. SALT. Pants.

Yesterday I had the loveliest experience. When Tilicia, (house mother) was showing me around the garden she got all excited and started pointing out something which was hanging around the flowers. Hanging around is actually a very bad description, it borders on ´loitering with intent´, which is never a positive visual. However, what I saw was definitely hanging. It was a humming bird.

Then we went around to the front of the house and there - to my delectation and delight - was another one. the first was a tiny little thing, masuring about 4-5cms long. It was mostly brown with a white band across its back. The second one was 10-12 cms in length and looked more like this:

I can´t adequately explain how precise they are, how their wings move so fast they become a blur, how tiny and perfectly dainty the humming bird is. It´s entrancing. Apparently they come to the garden every day, so I am going to look out for them. If I get to week three and i´m saying, ´Another hummingbird? Whatever´ because I have seen so many, you are welcome to send me a virtual slap. (For those of you who would like to send me a virtual slap just for being a pain in the posterior that is not allowed.)

Today I went on a walk to see the view from above Boquete. Here is a description in five words:
Rain. Sun. Hill. Lush. View.

Saw another bird, this time of prey. In fact there were loads of them riding the currents above the hill. they looked like this:

My tinternet research tells me its a short tailed hawk. Although I nicked both pictures off the web so I don´t know exactly what I saw. I´m camera lazy.

In other news (never one to disappoint my fashion conscious fans ;-) ),

Anatomie Susan Skinny trousers. Seriously, you know when something is just so good you get excited everytime you use it...? These are it. I call them ´pants´ coz they are from the States, not because I wear them under my pink velour Primark trackies.  
Also in other news. Today I met a woman who works in a school and is a Speech and Language Therapist. I´ve brought Charlie Bradburn on holiday!  For those lucky souls who don´t have to work with me, I have just employed a marvellous woman to deliver SALT in school. Having spent a year getting one its nice to find one wandering the hills abroad.

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